Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Friday in London

I had decided that I needed a dress, as I hadn't really brought much in the way of going out clothes (dumb, dumb, dumb). Fortunately there was a Primark on the corner, unfortunately there wasn't anything suitable there. Willy got a few bits and pieces though and we hopped on the tube to get into town. We hopped off at Piccadilly Circus and walked around in a daze. We happened upon M&M's World which was truly bizarre, imagine a chocolate themed nightclub for children when you can buy everything you never knew you wanted at a huge mark up. Neither of us had ever seen anything like this four floors of bright lights, intense colours, and intensely excited children filling their baskets to the point of overflow. We decided that we needed to get out of there, so kept making our way down the street.

We happened upon an American themed diner and decided to stop for lunch. I had chilli cheese fries and Budweiser, it was amazing, I am going to get so fat before I get home. Willy had some kind of burger which he reported was very good as well.

In Trafalgar Square a man was giving away rings, I stopped to see if I could find something and walked away with a lovely little space saver for my ring finger. It's silver and gold in colour, with the silver in the middle and gold on the outside - obviously not real, but for the donation I gave him it was fair, it fits, and it comes with a good story!

We saw both the National Portrait Gallery and Natural History Museum. We'd seen so much that had blown our poor we minds over the few days previous that 800 year old paintings just kind of went over our heads... 

We did another loop of Harrods (how mental is that place?!) on our way up to Kensington Palace. The palace was a bit of a let down after all of the amazing places we had seen over the previous few days. It was very nice, and it was good to be able to tick it off the list, but that really was about the extent of it.

Went shopping all over the place, Primark, New Look, Topshop, etc - couldn't find anything I liked, although Willy did get some bits and pieces.
Popped in to the National Portrait Gallery and Natural History Museum - it's weird how familiarity breeds contempt. When we arrived everything was so impressive, and while it still registers as fascinating and interesting, you can only see so many 800yr old paintings before your eyes start to glaze over.

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